Luxury bags such as the Hermès Birkin, Kelly, or the Chanel Flap Bag are iconic pieces that transcend the trends of the ages. There will never be a lack of demand for these pieces. Ensuring that your luxury leather bag stays as unblemished as possible is important, especially under the following two scenarios. Firstly, if you are purchasing a bag as an investment piece, and secondly, if you intend to sell your pre-loved designer bag through a luxury consignment agency or trusted bag reseller in the future. The need to properly look after luxury leather handbags become even more pertinent in Singapore’s humid tropical climate.
Whether you choose to buy a bag online, secondhand or from the boutique, below are some tips that will help you care for your luxury leather bag.
Tips for Carrying Your Luxury Leather Handbag
- Be mindful of your clothes and jewellery: It would be a pity if scratches and stains were to mar your treasured Birkin bag. Embellishments on clothing and chunky accessories might unintentionally leave marks on your leather designer bag. Additionally, beware of colour transfer when wearing denim, especially when carrying leather bags of lighter tones.
- Avoid overfilling your bag: Leather has the potential to stretch. To maintain the integrity of your bag’s silhouette, do not overstuff your bag beyond its capacity.
- Make use of a waterproof pouch: Store items like hand sanitisers, pens, makeup, or other objects with the potential to leak in a waterproof pouch to protect the interior of your luxury handbag from accidents.
- Keep your bag dry: Water can ruin a leather bag. Rainy days are a frequent occurrence during certain months in Singapore. Check the forecast and be sure to bring along an umbrella to avoid the unfortunate situation of being caught in the rain. If you own an Hermès model such as the Birkin, Kelly or Bolide which comes with a rain cover, be sure to put them to good use during the rainy season here in Singapore.
Tips for Storing Your Luxury Leather Bag
- Maintain the shape of your bag: Gently stuff your handbag with acid-free tissue paper or bubble wrap to help maintain its structure when not in use. Do not use newspaper as the ink might transfer onto the bag’s interior.
- Consider the bag’s hardware: Wrap the metal hardware (for example, the cadena padlock on an Hermès Birkin bag) to prevent any unintentional scratches or indentations on the leather of your bag.
- Store your bag in its dust bag and box: It is best to store your bag in its original dust bag as it is tailored to the specific dimensions of your handbag. You can also place a small packet of silica gel in the dust bag to help absorb moisture. Keeping the full set of accessories that come with a designer bag (e.g. the dust bag, authenticity card, box and original receipt) will also help you fetch a higher resale value if you wish to sell your pre-loved bag through a luxury consignment agency in the future.
Tips for Maintaining Your Luxury Leather Bag
- Wipe your bag: If your handbag is in daily or frequent use, take some time each week to wipe away any dust or debris that might have accumulated on your bag.
- Condition the leather: Just like human skin, leather needs care. Consider using leather conditioner on your luxury bag every few months or as needed.
- Eliminate odours: Sometimes all a bag might need is a good airing. Singapore is a sunny country so remember to air the bag in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. If strong smells persist, use a gentle odour removal on a soft, clean cloth and concentrate on the areas you believe smells the strongest.
Luxury bag purchases come with the unspoken expectation that they will last for years. The price tag and exquisite craftsmanship behind designer handbags ensure a certain level of quality, but these bags will still require some tender care to remain in their best condition through the changing of the seasons.
LUX.R is a trusted luxury consignment agency specialising in managing and reselling bags from top luxury houses like Hermès. If you are interested in buying or selling a secondhand luxury bag, feel free to contact us with any enquiries you may have regarding our consignment services. You can also browse through our FAQs online for more information.